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Selasa, 11 Juli 2017


Text Book: English Sentence Structure

Krohn, R. (1971). English Sentence Structure. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press.
Based on website exploration, our group learned from:
“Structural syllabus is constructed based on the theory that assumes that the grammatical or structural aspects of language form are the basic or useful.”
Krohn’s (1971) “English Sentence Structure” fits this definition of structural syllabus, therefore our group decided that this text book is developed based on structural syllabus.
According to wilkins:
A synthetic language teaching strategy is one in which the different parts of a language are taught separately and step by step so that acquisition is a process of gradual accumulation of the parts until the whole structure of the language has been built up.
Wilkin’s description on how structural syllabus is organized fits the way Krohn’s (1971) organize the material in textbook. The textbook contains explanation about grammatical features and forms.

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Text Book: English in Focus Grade VII

Wardiman, A., Jahur, M., & Sukiman, M. (2008). English in Focus Grade VII. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Based on website exploration, our group learned from:

Text-Based syllabus is employs the use of different genres of text in a social context to encourage language development.

Wardiman, Jahur, Sukiman’s (2008) “English in Focus Grade VII” fits this definition of text based syllabus, therefore our group decided that this text book is developed based on text based syllabus.

According to Johns & Davies : “A text is a vehicle for information means that texts can be chosen because their topic are motivating”.

Johns & Davies’s description on how text based syllabus is organized fits the way Wardiman, Jahur, Sukiman’s (2008) organize the material in textbook. The content of the textbook is relevant with text based syllabus such as descriptive texts, advertisements, and so on.

References :

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Text Book: English for Civil Engineering

Soge, P. (1991). English For Civil Engineering. Yogyakarta: Atma Jaya University.

Based on website exploration, our group learned from:
Themes or Topics syllabus are what the language is used to talk or write about: personal (family, food, hobbies, etc). Professional (topics specific to professions) Sociocultural (educational, political, etc). Topics and themes are used interchangeably (themes may be broader than topics and may include a few topics).
Soge’s (1991) “English For Civil Engineering” fits this definition of Topics or Themes syllabus, therefore our group decided that this text book is developed based on topics or themes syllabus.
According to White :
“Regards the notion of ‘topic’ as a major element in syllabus design: “The traditional four skills and the cognitive skills involved in the expression of purpose and meaning and in the creation and interpretation of messages provide the basis for a topic-based syllabus design”.
White’s description on how topics or themes syllabus is organized fits the way Soge’s (1991) organize the material in textbook. The textbook focus on language for spesific subjects/domains related to academic study and language
References :

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Text Book: Dasar-Dasar Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris

Arsyad, A. (2014). Dasar-Dasar Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Based on website exploration, our group learned from:

Lexical syllabus is based on vocabulary and lexical units. There are many linguistic issues that can be applied to the lexical syllabus. For example: vocabulary related to topics, word formation, compound items, connotations, and dennotations.

Arsyad’s (2014) “Dasar-Dasar Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris” fits this definition of Lexical syllabus, therefore our group decided that this text book is developed based on Lexical syllabus.

According to Willis :

“It is tempting to see syllabus design and methodology as discrete options. The syllabus specifies what is to be learned and the methodology tells us how it is to be learned. It seems that there need be no conflict between the two”

Willis’s description on how lexical syllabus is organized fits the way Arsyad’s (2014) organize the material in textbook. This text book provides students with access the most frequently occurring features of the language.


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Text Book: Gateway English for Active Communication

Riyanto, S. (2009). Gateway English for Active Communication. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Based on website exploration, our group learned from:

A notional-functional syllabus is a way of organizing a language-learning curriculum, rather than a method or an approach to teaching. In a notional-functional syllabus, instruction is not organized in terms of grammatical structure, as had often been done with the Audio-Lingual Method (ALM), but instead in terms of notions and functions."

Riyanto’s (2009) “Gateway English for Active Communication” fits this definition of Functional/Notional syllabus, therefore our group decided that this text book is developed based on Functional/Notonial syllabus.

According to Wilkins:

A notional-functional syllabus is an approach where the organization of the material is determined with notions or ideas that learners expect to be able to express through the target language and the functions acts learners expect to be able to accomplish.”

Wilkin’s description on how functional/notional syllabus is organized fits the way Riyanto’s (2009) organize the material in textbook. The texbook start with how to give and show the expressions in daily activities especially.


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Text Book: English for Leisure Time Speaking

Leo, S. (2006). English for Leisure Time Speaking. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Based on website exploration, our group learned from:

“Situational syllabus is often defined as one in which the contents are organized according to situation in which certain language is likely to be employed.”

Leo’s (2006) “English for Leisure Time Speaking” fits this definition of situational syllabus, therefore our group decided that this text book is developed based on situational syllabus.

According to Hammer:

Situational Syllabus offers the possibility of selecting and sequencing different real life situation rather than different grammatical items, vocabulary topics, life situation.”

Hammer’s description on how situational syllabus is organized fits the way Leo’s (2006) organize the material in textbook. The contents in this textbook is devided into several lesson based on the situation or expression. We believe that this textbook can lead directly to learners’ communication in specific situations.


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