Selasa, 11 Juli 2017


Text Book: English in Focus Grade VII

Wardiman, A., Jahur, M., & Sukiman, M. (2008). English in Focus Grade VII. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Based on website exploration, our group learned from:

Text-Based syllabus is employs the use of different genres of text in a social context to encourage language development.

Wardiman, Jahur, Sukiman’s (2008) “English in Focus Grade VII” fits this definition of text based syllabus, therefore our group decided that this text book is developed based on text based syllabus.

According to Johns & Davies : “A text is a vehicle for information means that texts can be chosen because their topic are motivating”.

Johns & Davies’s description on how text based syllabus is organized fits the way Wardiman, Jahur, Sukiman’s (2008) organize the material in textbook. The content of the textbook is relevant with text based syllabus such as descriptive texts, advertisements, and so on.

References :

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