Selasa, 11 Juli 2017


Text Book: English for Leisure Time Speaking

Leo, S. (2006). English for Leisure Time Speaking. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Based on website exploration, our group learned from:

“Situational syllabus is often defined as one in which the contents are organized according to situation in which certain language is likely to be employed.”

Leo’s (2006) “English for Leisure Time Speaking” fits this definition of situational syllabus, therefore our group decided that this text book is developed based on situational syllabus.

According to Hammer:

Situational Syllabus offers the possibility of selecting and sequencing different real life situation rather than different grammatical items, vocabulary topics, life situation.”

Hammer’s description on how situational syllabus is organized fits the way Leo’s (2006) organize the material in textbook. The contents in this textbook is devided into several lesson based on the situation or expression. We believe that this textbook can lead directly to learners’ communication in specific situations.


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