Selasa, 11 Juli 2017


Text Book: English for Civil Engineering

Soge, P. (1991). English For Civil Engineering. Yogyakarta: Atma Jaya University.

Based on website exploration, our group learned from:
Themes or Topics syllabus are what the language is used to talk or write about: personal (family, food, hobbies, etc). Professional (topics specific to professions) Sociocultural (educational, political, etc). Topics and themes are used interchangeably (themes may be broader than topics and may include a few topics).
Soge’s (1991) “English For Civil Engineering” fits this definition of Topics or Themes syllabus, therefore our group decided that this text book is developed based on topics or themes syllabus.
According to White :
“Regards the notion of ‘topic’ as a major element in syllabus design: “The traditional four skills and the cognitive skills involved in the expression of purpose and meaning and in the creation and interpretation of messages provide the basis for a topic-based syllabus design”.
White’s description on how topics or themes syllabus is organized fits the way Soge’s (1991) organize the material in textbook. The textbook focus on language for spesific subjects/domains related to academic study and language
References :

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